A new documentary examines the disconnect between American public education and the Christian faith. IndoctriNation, a 90-minute documentary film on education, explores one of the most important and controversial issues in modern history.
Traveling all over America with his family in a big yellow school bus to conduct a series of candid interviews, IndoctriNation producer Colin Gunn uncovers the origins of the nations modern educational system. Gunn is a Scottish-born filmmaker, actor and homeschool father who lives in Texas with his wife and seven children.
"Anti-Christian philosophy was introduced very much from the very start of compulsory education,” Gunn says. “You had Horace Mann and you had Robert Owen -- progressive socialists who had the desire to exclude Christ from the classroom. And so we see that legacy throughout the last two centuries, including big fights over textbooks or evolution. And so the things we're seeing now are symptoms of a philosophical problem."
Through interviews with education experts and people from all walks of life, Gunn exposes a methodical plan to replace God's methods of training with a more humanistic, man-centered program that has fragmented the family and undermined the influence of the church and its Great Commission.
"You can't fix the public schools,” he says, “but what you can do is go around them and not use them. So you can escape the system -- and it's a blessing to your family if you say [you] don't want the government near [your] kids, especially with the current administration and all that's going on with the wackiness with our teachers unions."
IndoctriNation challenges Christians to consider what history, experience, and the scriptures say about the discipleship and training of the next generation.
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